Cite Our Work
We appreciate your interest in the research published by Leslie and Noelle Conn on hiddendart.com. Citing our work accurately is crucial for maintaining academic integrity and giving proper credit. Below, we provide examples of how to cite our website content using common citation styles: APA, MLA, and Chicago.
APA (7th Edition) Citation
In the APA style, it’s important to include the author(s), the date of publication, the title of the webpage, the website name, and the URL.
APA Format: Author(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of webpage. Website name. URL
Example: Conn, L., & Conn, N. (2024, October 4). The Chinese art of stealth: Updated insights. Hidden Dart. https://www.hiddendart.com/research/stealth-updates
MLA (9th Edition) Citation
MLA format emphasizes the title of the webpage, the website name, and the date of publication. It also requires the full URL.
MLA Format: Author(s). “Title of Webpage.” Website Name, Publisher (if available), Date of Publication, URL.
Example: Conn, Leslie, and Noelle Conn. “The Chinese Art of Stealth: Updated Insights.” Hidden Dart, 4 Oct. 2024, www.hiddendart.com/research/stealth-updates.
Chicago (17th Edition) Citation
Chicago style is slightly different and requires the date of the last modification, if available.
Chicago Format: Author(s). “Title of Webpage.” Website Name. Last modified Date. URL.
Example: Conn, Leslie, and Noelle Conn. “The Chinese Art of Stealth: Updated Insights.” Hidden Dart. Last modified October 4, 2024. www.hiddendart.com/research/stealth-updates.
Additional Notes:
- If citing multiple pages from hiddendart.com, ensure you reference each page specifically with its unique URL.
- Always include as much information as possible to ensure the citation is complete and transparent.
By following these examples, you help maintain the scholarly integrity of both your work and ours. Thank you for your attention to detail and for citing our research responsibly.